Wednesday, October 31, 2007

We always condemn most in others, that which we most fear in ourselves
__Robert M. Pirsig Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
When faced with conflict always ask "What Would Love Do"
__Neale D. Walsch

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dancing Leaves

The snow came early this year, burying the leaves beneath as if there was a different message to be given another time. I was partially sadden, for I felt I had missed my favorite season… and it continued for days after, covering the earth and it’s un-raked leaves.

Yet today the sun shown bright, and through the clouds the leaves rose to the sky… lifted by the wind, filling the blue air with heavenly beauty. Leaves everywhere… dancing with joy, the sun glistening on each of them. I had never seen anything like it and I wanted it to last forever.

Tears filled my eyes, music played and as I gazed at this magnificent beauty a voice whispered that I might die soon. I sat still, humbled and afraid, taking in what I thought could be my last breath of beauty.

And then suddenly… I was overwhelmingly filled with joy as I sat in amazement of the sky filled with dancing leaves, blue sky and bright light. For at this moment I realized that I was not to die, perhaps I had already had and too, as the leaves, arose to be reborn to dance in Gods beauty.

___Scotty Reed Emberton 11.20.2000

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Tears of strangers are only water
_Indian Proverb

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's often necessary to Breakdown in order to Breakout
__Oprah Show October